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      谁与争锋| 一场关于智能会议平板的较量


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           随着科技的发展,工业的改革,工业4.0早已面世 ,对鼎盛娱乐生活产生了各式各样的影响 。其核心就是智能化,互联化。而智能会议平板在工业4.0中 ,走进鼎盛娱乐的生活,不断地将鼎盛娱乐工作与学习智能化  ,互联化!

        With the development of technology and the reform of industry, Industry 4.0 has long been available, which has had various effects on our lives.In Industry 4.0,the smart conference panel perfectly shows its core,intelligence and interconnection is the core.

         智能会议平板,作为一种商业显示类产品,它融合了电脑,大屏电视,音响 ,投影仪,广告机和机顶盒各种设备于一身 。在androids和Windows双系统的支持下,智能平板实现了“智能白板” ,“智能教育” ,“远程会议” ,“线上课程” ,“数据传输”,“无线投屏”,“扫码共享” ,等等功能...

      As a commercial display product, smart conference panel,integrates computers, large-screen TVs, speakers, projectors, advertising machines and set-top boxes. With the support of androids and Windows dual systems, the smart touch panel realizes more and more function,such as smart whiteboard 、smart education 、remote conference、wireless screen projection、scan code sharing and so on.

         为了让大家更好的体验智能会议平板,我司销售团队在本周四下午举行了一场关于智能会议平板的PK赛 。双方战队各代表不同阵营 ,并在这场比赛中相互较量。在PPT演讲以及自由发言中,大家各抒己见,同时也对智能会议平板的特点和市场进行剖析 ,让在场人员都深深的了解到智能会议平板在鼎盛娱乐会议场景以及教育场景中发挥着极大的作用。

          In order to have a better experience in the smart touch panel, our sales team held a PK competition on the smart touch panel this Thursday afternoon. Both teams represent different camps and compete with each other in this game. In the PPT speeches and free speeches, everyone expressed their opinions, and at the same time analyzed the characteristics and market of the smart touch panel, so that everyone know that the smart touch panel plays a great role in our meeting scenes and education scenes.

        在智能白板,智能课堂的中 :

      用影视和图像的表达方式更加直观地展示情景。也不需要反复的擦拭,无灰尘,无粉尘 ,很好地保障了教师和学生们的健康。

        在远程会议,线上教育的中 :

      更是打破了鼎盛娱乐对空间的限制。让鼎盛娱乐实现了在不同的地点也可以开展会议和课程 。

        在数据传输 ,无线投屏,扫码共享的中:


      In "smart white board", "smart classrooms":

      Using video and image expression more intuitive to display. There is no need for repeated wiping, no dust,well protect the health of teachers and students.

      In the "remote meeting", "online education":

      It breaks the limits of our space. It allows us to have meetings and courses in different locationss.

      In "Data Transmission", "Wireless Screen Projection", "Scanning Code Sharing":

      It liberates the limitation of sharing files and greatly improves our work efficiency.


      “2021年的鼎盛娱乐18岁了。这个年龄的鼎盛娱乐是成熟的 ,也是青春的!鼎盛娱乐的液晶电视团队拥有其他公司无法比拟的沉淀和积累,而鼎盛娱乐的商显事业部还拥有其他团队羡慕不已的青春与活力。相信鼎盛娱乐青春有活力的商显事业部一定会厚积薄发,让梦想成为现实!”

      At the end of the competition, Jofan, Minister of Shipping Department of our company, said that 

      "In 2021,Asano is 18 years old.  He mature, but also the youth! In Asano,the LCD TV team  has the accumulation and accumulation that other companies cannot match, and the business department  also has the youth and vitality that other teams envy. I believe that our youthful and energetic Commercial Display Division will surely accumulate and make our dreams come true!"

        未来智能化也将不断地演变,而像智能会议平板一样出色的商显产品也会不断地进入鼎盛娱乐眼球,成为在工业4.0最闪耀的那颗星 。未来 ,让鼎盛娱乐一起期待吧!

      Intelligence will continue to evolve in the future, and business display products that are as good as smart conference tablets will continue to enter our eyes and become the most shining star in Industry 4.0. In the future, let us look forward to it together!




      Asano is looking for distributors and partners.We hope you can join,come on!





      更新日期 :2021-01-16

