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            在刚过去的2020年 ,鼎盛娱乐面对这很多挑战以及机遇。在疫情冲击下 ,全球经济遭受重创 。实体零售是其中最受影响的 ,诸多企业在2020年上半年由于营业收入直线式下滑,普遍出现裁员、关掉线下门店的现象 。同时,2020年还有另一个线上销售模式快速雄起:“直播带货”。在2020年4月,央视主持人朱广权李佳琦直播间团队携手直播带货,成功帮助武汉零售行业渡过难关。

      In the past 2020, we have faced many challenges and opportunities. Under the impact of the epidemic, the global economy has been hit hard. Physical retail is the most affected. Due to the linear decline in operating income in the first half of 2020, many companies have laid off employees and closed offline stores. At that time, there was another online sales model which was rapidly rising: "live commerce". In April 2020, CCTV host Zhu Guangquan and Li Jiaqi's live studio team together live commerce, successfully helping the Wuhan retail industry tide over the difficulties.


             随着国家政策的支持下,零售销售场景不断智能化。线上线下渠道的融合,是零售行业在这场战役中能够胜出的关键。在融合的过程中,越来越多人意识到商用显示在零售行业的重要性 。在场景优化中 ,液晶拼接屏 、小间距LED、电子白板 ,商用电视 、广告机成为主推零售信息覆盖的重要手段 ,是打破线下实体店铺场景限制的关键 。虽然受到疫情影响 ,但商用显示产业在2020年销量还是有所增长。

      With the support of national policies, the retail sales scene continues to be intelligent. The integration of online and offline channels is the key to the success of the retail industry in this battle. In the process of integration, more and more people realize the importance of commercial display in the retail industry. In the scene optimization, LCD Video Wall, LED Video Wall, Smart Touch Panel, commercial TVs, and advertising machines have become important means of promoting retail information coverage, and are the key to breaking the restrictions of offline physical store scenes. Although affected by the epidemic, sales in the commercial display industry increased in 2020.

             据行业分析机构IDC发布最新商用大屏幕市场季度跟踪报告,2020年中国LCD拼接屏市场出货量约为127.4万 ,与2019年相比增长14.1%。

      According to industry analysis agency IDC released the latest quarterly tracking report on the commercial large screen market, China's LCD Video Wall market shipments in 2020 was approximately 1.274 million, an increase of 14.1% compared to 2019.

           小间距LED市场规模也逐渐开始扩大。据中商产业研究院预测 ,2020年中国小间距LED市场规模将达98亿元。

      The small-pitch LED market is gradually expanding. According to the China Business Industry Research Institute, China's small-pitch LED market may be reaching 9.8 billion yuan in 2020.


      Data source: China Commercial Industry Research Institute "2020 China's Small Pitch LED Industry Market Prospects and Investment Research Report"

            商用显示的数字广告牌比起传统的广告牌能够能清晰 ,节能化的播放视频,大大拓宽了零售产业的影响范围,并且数字标牌和其他类似的广告投放模式,拥有更优秀的表现力和承载能力 。

      Commercially displayed digital billboards can play videos clearly and energy-efficiently than traditional billboards, which greatly broadens the scope of influence of the retail industry, and digital signage and other similar advertising modes have better performance and load-bearing ability.

           在疫情之下,这是挑战也是机遇 ,疫情过后必将是新的格局,全面数字化时代的到来指日可待。

      Under the epidemic, this is both a challenge and an opportunity. After the epidemic, it will be a new situation. The arrival of the fully digital era is just around the corner.

      更新日期 :2021-01-23

